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ASTC's Statement in Support of the Rule of Law
February 17, 2025
As consultants working within the courts and judicial system, the American Society of Trial Consultants affirms our support for the justice system and the due process rights granted to every American. The United States Constitution wisely establishes three branches of government, each critical to ensuring checks and balances on power. We are alarmed to see government officials seeking to bypass the judicial process to achieve political or ideological goals. Acting in this way is unconstitutional and erodes faith in our government and trust in our justice system.
No citizen and certainly no public official can be allowed to ignore the rule of law and the Constitutional and legal rights of citizens. We cannot remain silent while the executive branch threatens the impeachment of judges for making rulings that hold the administration accountable for acting within the law. We also do not condone any executive office—past, present, or future—that unconstitutionally discriminates against citizens or usurps Congress's role.
Like American citizens, the American Society of Trial Consultants holds diverse views. However, we should all share a desire to uphold the Constitution, the rule of law, and the role of the justice system. This is critical to a healthy, democratic nation and maintaining a government that is truly of the people, by the people, and for the people.
Democracy does not just happen; it requires participation and defense by citizens. Some ways that you can support the rule of law at this moment include:
When you are called for jury duty, go! Serve as a juror to support the constitutional right to a trial by jury. This ensures that justice arises from the wise judgment of Americans from all backgrounds and experiences.
Call your Senators and Congressional Representatives to express your support for the rule of law. Remind them that they took an oath of office to be loyal to the Constitution.
Send letters to the clerks of Federal judges in your district to let them know you support them and are counting on them to uphold the Constitution and the rule of law. Judges do not often get letters. Your letter will make an impact.
Read the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence. Know that you can enact the founding principles of our country using your own individual power.
Reflect on how you and the people in your life would be affected if the rule of law erodes.
Speak up with friends, family, and on social media about the importance of supporting the rule of law.
Encourage friends or colleagues who have emigrated from countries where there was no rule of law to share their experiences.
Read about those who are legally seeking asylum in this country to avoid the same persecution so many of our ancestors experienced in their flight to this country.
Faye Honig
President, American Society of Trial Consultants
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Click HERE for a downloadable PDF of the above statement.