Become a Conference
Sponsors are the lifeblood of the ASTC Conference and the Society. Your sponsorships contribute to the existence of the annual conferences and the growth of our profession throughout the year. All Convention sponsor packages provide value-added recognition to association professionals and ensure you will receive high visibility and company brand awareness. Our tiered sponsor packages provide benefits that will meet your marketing goals and budget. We also offer a variety of exclusive sponsorship options that will cater to those who seek unique recognition.
Complimentary exhibit booth
3 complimentary conference registrations
Company logo and link on ASTC website for one year
1 email newsletter and social media feature
Full page advertisement in conference program
Recognition in sponsor list in conference program
First-tier logo placement on conference promotions
1-minute presentation at the conference
Featured conference sign at registration and sponsored event
Sponsor either the Opening Reception (a popular welcome as everyone arrives for the conference and gathers for a cocktail reception with our exhibitors) or Banquet Reception (the ASTC reception before the banquet is a great opportunity for attendees to gather, share insights from the conference, and enjoy a fun evening ahead) – limit of 2 sponsors per reception
1 complimentary exhibit booth and representative (additional representative for $300)
Company logo and link on ASTC website for one year
Recognition in sponsor list in conference program
1-minute presentation at the conference
The ASTC conference provides an excellent opportunity to network with ASTC conference attendees. Showcase your products and services face to face. Food and beverage and reception networking events are scheduled in the exhibit area.
6-8' skirted table, chairs
Full listing of conference attendees with emails
Company logo and link on ASTC website for one year
Recognition in sponsor list in conference program
One complimentary booth representative (additional representative for $300)
The ASTC conference provides an excellent opportunity to network with ASTC conference attendees. Showcase your products and services face to face. Food and beverage and reception networking events are scheduled in the exhibit area.
6-8' skirted table, chairs
Full listing of conference attendees with emails
Company logo and link on ASTC website for one year
Recognition in sponsor list in conference program
One complimentary booth representative (additional representative for $300)
For questions about sponsorships please contact ASTC Executive Director Richard May - richard@astcweb.org
The ASTC values and appreciates the generous support of its Sponsors. Sponsorship does not imply any endorsement by the ASTC of the Sponsor’s business, products, or services.