2025 Conference Sponsors

Join Us at the 2024 Conference

Please note: tickets for the CLE must be purchased through the New Orleans Bar Association - link available here and in registration link.
Become a Conference Sponsor
Sponsors are the lifeblood of the ASTC Conference and the Society. Your sponsorships contribute to the existence of the annual conferences and the growth of our profession throughout the year. All Conference sponsor packages provide value-added recognition to association professionals and ensure you will receive high visibility and company brand awareness. Our tiered sponsor packages provide benefits that will meet your marketing goals and budget. We also offer a variety of exclusive sponsorship options that will cater to those who seek unique recognition.
Sponsor a student attending the conference by covering the cost of their registration.
Sponsor a Student
Book Your Hotel Room Now
Please visit the below link to be set up with our Room Block Rate ($169), which is the best rate available. The $25/night Ameneties Fee will be waived upon check-in.
For anyone interested in being connected with other students/recent grads in order to split hotel rooms, please reach out to student liaison Sarah Ross (sross@magnals.com) and she will connect you!
Student Research Poster Competition
The ASTC Research Committee is hosting a Student Research Poster Competition at the 2025 Annual Conference. After blind review by the Research Committee, competitive posters will be accepted for presentation and entered into the poster competition.
The poster topic need not be related directly to trial consulting or jury behavior. Although papers on topics such as jury or judge decision making, venue surveys, witness preparation, jury selection, and attorney openings and closings are welcome, we also invite work on other relevant topics with potential application to better understanding of individual and group decision-making in trial settings (e.g., persuasion in small groups, visual communication, implicit bias, hindsight bias, counterfactual reasoning).
Submissions are due May 1, 2025.
Sponsor a student attending the conference by covering the cost of their registration.